Why not walk the whole coast of Scotland?


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Gills going west

We have looked at this area

There are no significant problems, except the "poo" field.

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John o Groats Trail

Issues on JOG Trail

Yarrows I established that Sonja Mindt has drawn down the money from the fund. Why was this not pursued at the last meeting, from which I was banned? Was it a waste of my time? "Yarrows This is a core path but in bad condition due to cattle, horses and lack of maintenance. The occupier has received funding to upgrade a portion of the path to disabled access but no works have taken place. Seek feedback and comments from Cllr Bremner, possible site visit in 2019 Highland Council has had fingerpost delivered and visited with contractor regards gate work. No quote came in despite follow up. In contact with fencer again and awaiting quote." This is on the John O Groats Trail, why are they not dealing with it, or matters at Embo as emailed to Cllr Bremner this morning.

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Issues on John o Groats ... by TinaIrving
on May 27, 2024, 01:32:31 am

Out west


We got in touch with a few folk in Durness, including the ferry man. He is not a happy bunny at all. The Highland Council have refused to do the road, so he can't operate.

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Durness by TinaIrving
on May 24, 2024, 02:00:05 am

Access issues


On speaking to the nice man at the Murkle Caravan park, and leaving two landowners notes, I noted that there is an access issue on the right as you approach No. 2 West Murkle with a gate open and a road, and a cattle grid. It is not certain if this is CPN, but the sign to the beach certainly is.

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Murkle still a problem by TinaIrving
on April 23, 2024, 08:36:26 am

Coastal Walker

Access issues

The coastal walker found a number of access issues. https://www.change.org/p/open-access-to-dounreay-airfield-for-safer-travel-of-walkers-cyclists-and-horse-riders/dashboard?source_location=user_profile_started

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Going West

Going West

Going over to the west, we note that The Highland Council want to divert the Core Path Network around Upper BigHouse while at the same time saying there is no review and have removed the information from their web site. The coastal walker found a number of access issues. https://www.change.org/p/open-access-to-dounreay-airfield-for-safer-travel-of-walkers-cyclists-and-horse-riders/dashboard?source_location=user_profile_started

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Gills going West

Going west from Gills, Gills Bay westward access. There has to be a small route change, this is due to new both wooden and electric fencing that has been erected making it very difficult.. The developer cannot substantiate this as she has not checked it herself as yet.

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South West Path

Cross Country Links

We have linked up with the South West Path and Lincolnshire. We are in touch with both, and sit on the Lincolnshire Access Forum.

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Cross Country everywhere by TinaIrving
on April 09, 2024, 03:03:58 am

Thurso to Reay

Thurso to Reay

THURSO to FRESGOE HARBOUR (REAY) Time Started - 910am Time Finished - 1pm Time took - 3 Hrs 50 Mins Distance - 19.8 Kms - 12.3 Miles Obstacles - None really apart from plodding along the road.

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Dwarwick Pier to Thurso

Dwarwick Pier to Thurso

DWARWICK PIER to THURSO Time left - 850am Time finished - 1240am Time took - 3 Hrs 50 Mins Distance - 17.6 Kms - 10.9 Miles Obstacles - See below. CHANGE OF ROUTE Due to erosion of the embankments after the Battery Road and when its high tide it can be dangerous when crossing the slabs, it has been decided that the route has had to be changed. NEW ROUTE At the south end of Battery Road 18496 69000 turn left and procced up to the main road 18531 68365 (Wear something bright and follow the Highway Code for walking along roads) Turn right up to the East Murkle Sign 16816 68295, turn right and follow the track to the Bay 16796 69225 turn left and then follow the path to Thurso.

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The Haven to Dwarwick Pier

The Haven to Dwarwick Pier

THE HAVEN to DWARWICK PIER Time left - 840am Time finished - 1205pm Time took - 4 hrs 25 mins Distance - 18.8 Kms - 11.5 Miles Obstacles - Rattar Burn (if in wet season will need waders!!) Sic... this was checked out in December 2023. Still need waders. Landowner reports no problems. This route goes round Dunnet Head.

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Duncansby Head to The Haven

Duncansby Head to The Haven

DUNCANSBY HEAD to THE HAVEN Time left - 9am Time finished - 150pm Time took - 4 hours 50 mins. Distance 20 Kms/12.5 Miles. Obstacles - The paths were of a reasonable state from the start to just after John O'Groats. At Huna there is vehicle scrapyard also, there is seaweed on the rocks bit further on, after that some of the embankments are collapsed in various locations. This is why part of route is a road walk to Gills Bay. You can however walk along the Foreshore but, care should be taken when walking along the boulders etc. It will take slightly longer of course. CHANGE OF ROUTE Due to finding that the path/track from St John's Point at 31093 74555 to Castle of Mey has eroded and the stone walls collapsed and unsafe I have had to look at another route for this area. There is a path leading from St John's Point to the corner of the B Road proceed to the gate at 31163 74445 then make your way along the B Road/Track to 29347 74555 this will get you back onto the Way. CHANGE OF ROUTE Hi all Gills Bay westward access. There has to be a small route change, this is due to new both wooden and electric fencing that has been erected making it very difficult. I am at the present moment speaking with land owners to sort the new route.

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Access issue

Due to finding that the path/track from St John's Point at 31093 74555 to Castle of Mey has eroded and the stone walls collapsed and unsafe I have had to look at another route for this area. There is a path leading from St John's Point to the corner of the B Road proceed to the gate at 31163 74445 then make your way along the B Road/Track to 29347 74555 this will get you back onto the Way. DUNCANSBY HEAD to THE HAVEN Time left - 9am Time finished - 150pm Time took - 4 hours 50 mins. Distance 20 Kms/12.5 Miles. Obstacles - The paths were of a reasonable state from the start to just after John O'Groats. At Huna there is vehicle scrapyard also, there is seaweed on the rocks bit further on, after that some of the embankments are collapsed in various locations. This is why part of route is a road walk to Gills Bay. You can however walk along the Foreshore but, care should be taken when walking along the boulders etc. It will take slightly longer of course. CHANGE OF ROUTE Due to finding that the path/track from St John's Point at 31093 74555 to Castle of Mey has eroded and the stone walls collapsed and unsafe I have had to look at another route for this area. There is a path leading from St John's Point to the corner of the B Road proceed to the gate at 31163 74445 then make your way along the B Road/Track to 29347 74555 this will get you back onto the Way. CHANGE OF ROUTE Hi all Gills Bay westward access. There has to be a small route change, this is due to new both wooden and electric fencing that has been erected making it very difficult. I am at the present moment speaking with land owners to sort the new route. Will keep you all up to date. Have now agreed with land owners (Castle of Mey) a new route. Now awaiting permission to put up markers. NEW ROUTE Walk past Gills Bay entrance, take the first road to the right and walk to the end, then turn right onto the main road up to the Sheep Pen at 31997 730028. I have located a small gap in the gorse which you can get through. 31997 74232 its approximately 20M from the cliffs. From there go to the gate at 31163 74445. Still awaiting permission for markers.

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Scottish Coastal Path

Scottish Coastal Path

We are looking at the wider Scottish Coastal Path. Other areas around the coast are invited to contribute here.

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VisitScotland by TinaIrving
on February 01, 2024, 02:08:54 am

Horse Access

Horse Access

We received comments from a BHS member, long distance rider and Local Access Forum member. just a very quick message as im at work! I actually rode from Tongue, over Mhoine last June. It was part of a 15 day trip 1. Mhoine needs improved as there is a very nasty bridge over part of the weir system, and to bypass you do get into some very tricky ground. Pony over hock in soft ground and we had checked a way before we rode it. 2. There is also a very soft section of about 10 yards about 1/4 mile from there. Both could be substantially impoved by a new , proper sleeper bridge with sides!! and a bit of drainage work at section 2 Currently I wouldnt recommend to the everyday rider and its not really very safe. Ive also ridden from Balnakeil at Durness, crossed the amazing Cashel Dhu ford on the Hope Road and continued south We have also crossed the old peat road from Crask to Badanloch... a good link to get east off road from Lairg area, but very unstable ground . I spoke with Foresty and Land Scotland as it is on their ground, but they say no funds to make improvements so if you try and ride it you need to pick your path VERY carefully and even then will meet very soft ground. We tried to use some CP at Durness, and Bettyhill area, but couldnt get a horse thro and that narrow road can be very busy I might not manage to come north to look at Mhoine in April /May as planning my long annual ride then, but happy to meet you mid June. There is a lot of lovely riding, but currently very "bitty" requiring a bit of roadwork.

Posts 1 Topics 1

Horse Access by TinaIrving
on January 28, 2024, 07:03:18 am

Sutherland Space Hub

Sutherland Space Hub

There may be access problems around the Sutherland Space Hub. Become a Friend of the North Highland Way, and get the latest information.

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Sutherland Space Hub by TinaIrving
on January 15, 2024, 02:56:01 am


Passports to the North Highland Way

A number of places on the north coast have now agreed to stamp our passports at their outlets. www.friendsofthenorthhighlandway.com. There is also now an environmental magazine... it is available in Wick library.

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Some sections of the Way

Castletown to Thurso

Access issues on this section of the North Highland Way.

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Murkle by TinaIrving
on November 23, 2023, 02:25:08 pm

Loch Eriboll

A diary of a walker. https://coastalwalker.co.uk/2023/10/22/496-laid-to-eriboll/

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We note that there are proposals to divert the CPN around Upper Big House Lodge. We note that people are walking on the road around Keiss instead of using the John o Groats Trail, as there are parts which are impassable. Also we have contacted the Murkle Campsite to see if problems at Murkle are being resolved.

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Reay area


We are looking at every area along the north coast, and have created a local forum to help us. In Thurso there is an active Facebook page. https://www.mylocalforum.co.uk/area/reay-highland-11059/introduce-yourselves-in-reay-169/north-highland-way-199061/

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Highland Council

Highland Council warnings

Bridge closures and other long term problems. https://www.highland.gov.uk/downloads/download/2014/su1905_bridgeclosuremap

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There are issues at Dounreay relating to them not wishing to get people off the roads. This has been raised several times, but they simply refuse to assist. You can write to Dounreay at communications@dounreay.com to protest. The local people have, to no avail.

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Sutherland LAF

Issues in Sutherland

Members of the Sutherland LAF are invited to submit details here from the Sutherland Forum and anywhere else. I myself will be focussing on flood prevention in my research. I am aware of a study done by Aberdeen University, and talked to a number of local people in Golspie about it.

Posts 1 Topics 1

Flooding at Golspie is a... by TinaIrving
on November 07, 2023, 05:10:30 am

Highland Adapts

Highland Adapts

We input to this website in 2022, horse riders may wish to do the same. https://highlandadapts.commonplace.is/

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North Highland Way

Is a multi use route. www.friendsofthenorthhighlandway.com

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There are issues at Dounreay relating to them not wishing to get people off the roads. This has been raised several times, but they simply refuse to assist. You can write to Dounreay at communications@dounreay.com to protest. The local people have, to no avail.

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There are issues at Dounreay relating to them not wishing to get people off the roads. This has been raised several times, but they simply refuse to assist. You can write to Dounreay at communications@dounreay.com to protest. The local people have, to no avail.

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Friends of the North Highland Way

There are issues at Dounreay relating to them not wishing to get people off the roads. This has been raised several times, but they simply refuse to assist. You can write to Dounreay at communications@dounreay.com to protest. The local people have, to no avail.

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John o Groats to Gills Bay

Proposed Core Path

This section has been submitted to The Highland Council as proposed Core Path. Funding is being sought by the developer.

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Rattar Burn


There is a fast running stream which is sometimes very high water. We are looking at this in November 2023 with the farmer.

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We teamed up with the Caminos in Spain some years ago. We thought we might try and replicate it here.

Posts 2 Topics 2

Caminos of Santiago by TinaIrving
on October 14, 2023, 02:31:09 pm

Maintaining the route

Maintaining the route

There is no point in developing a route if it is not maintained. https://business.outdooractive.com/trail-manager

Posts 1 Topics 1

Maintaining the route by TinaIrving
on October 13, 2023, 09:07:12 pm

New Category

South West Path

We have linked up with the South West Path and Lincolnshire as well, so we are on a roll. This is great for economic development.

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Access Meetings

Access meetings

Access meetings are held every six months. On 18th September 2023, I submitted documentation to The Highland Council. You can ask for it under FOI, unless you are a paid up friend of the North Highland Way.

Posts 3 Topics 3

Access report update 13/... by TinaIrving
on October 13, 2023, 11:40:59 am



We will be monitoring the flora and fauna at Killiminster in April 2024

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Dunnet and Brough

Dunnet and Brough

1. Down the side of Windhaven where we built the path and it is not maintained. Core Path I believe. 2. Heathsfield is also Core Path and not maintained. The Dunnet Forestry Trust owns Heathsfield I believe. We put in a route from Heathsfield to Windhaven across the ditch, and put a bridge. This has not been maintained either. There is no point in you and I working hard to keep things straight, if other people don't. You did a lot of work at Brough when I was there. None of it is maintained.

Redirects 30

Dunnet and Brough

There are access issues in Heathsfield and the core path to the beach at Brough.

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East Side of Dunnet Head

East Side of Dunnet Head

The eastern side of Dunnet Head was originally on the aspirational routes of the core path plans in 2003. The aspirational routes are no longer showing on any maps in the public domain. The picture is just one issue.

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Moray Firth Trail


There is an access issue at Killiminster. Just up the road from the farm on the corner.

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Moray Firth Trail aka Jo... by TinaIrving
on March 31, 2024, 10:03:25 am

General Category

General Discussion

Default board this can be edit via the admin section of your forum

Posts 23 Topics 21

Re: North Highland Way by TinaIrving
on August 20, 2023, 11:33:58 am

Caithness Riders Access Files

These are the files from the Caithness Riders Access Group.

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Caithness Riders Access ... by TinaIrving
on October 15, 2023, 12:23:41 am

Paths for all

We had a discussion with Paths for all last week.

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Paths for all by TinaIrving
on July 04, 2023, 11:07:37 am

Dounreay and HIE

Dounreay and HIE continue to try to repress the project of the North Highland Way, despite community and business support.

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Correspondence by TinaIrving
on July 03, 2023, 03:49:07 am

Highland Adapts


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Correspondence with Loca... by TinaIrving
on July 03, 2023, 03:43:59 am

Update 30June 2023

HIE - no response, ditto Dounreay. Maree Todd and Jamie Stone investigating. Documents will be put here. THC - meeting with Douglas Chisholm on 28 June sounded promising. Details to be put here when received. Ramblers - want the benefit, but don't want to help. Suggested that they contact Douglas with a letter of support.

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Local Places

We contacted them on 23rd May, but as usual a lot of voluntary work involved, so declined.

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Correspondence with Loca... by TinaIrving
on June 23, 2023, 07:34:16 am


Communications with SCDI. Initial meeting revealed that incomers with education are not wanted, especially women. Highlighted Spain and heritage and cultural interests

Posts 2 Topics 2

Shetland trip - April 20... by TinaIrving
on June 23, 2023, 05:50:12 am

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Highlands and Islands Climate Hubs

Correspondence with H&I Climate hubs, especially the ones to which I have not had the courtesy of a response.

Posts 3 Topics 1

Re: 16 June 2023 by TinaIrving
on June 19, 2023, 02:22:17 pm

Highland Council

Correspondence with the Highland Council.

Posts 4 Topics 4

Email to the Council 5 J... by TinaIrving
on July 05, 2023, 12:49:41 am

Friends of the North Highland Way

Friends of the North Highland Way are anyone and everyone who has assisted in developing the North Highland Way - either in monetary or time terms. We have not included the Caithness and Sutherland Ranger Service, as they are already funded, although we do of course support them in other ways.

Redirects 58

Pete Hill

This guy really knew the coast.

Redirects 35


You can purchase books from Amazon We also have a limited supply of Barry Beats Britain - The Coasters GB Story. Available for £5 + postage.

Redirects 44

Dunnet area

Heathsfield is core path, and not being maintained. The route between the house Little Clett and Windhaven to the shore is also not being maintained although it did receive public money in 2005. The route to the shore is full of holes and not strimmed. Very dangerous. Can only really walk as far as the bridge.

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Dunnet and Brough

Issues at Dunnet and Brough. 1. Down the side of Windhaven where we built the path and it is not maintained. Core Path I believe. 2. Heathsfield is also Core Path and not maintained. The Dunnet Forestry Trust owns Heathsfield I believe. We put in a route from Heathsfield to Windhaven across the ditch, and put a bridge. This has not been maintained either. There is no point in you and I working hard to keep things straight, if other people don't. You did a lot of work at Brough when I was there. None of it is maintained.

Redirects 26


Horsey routes


Redirects 106

Moray Firth Trail

Moray Firth Trail

We do not build the Moray Firth Trail, also known as the John o Groats Trail. The Association of Northern Trails Scotland are responsible for that, and have received a lot of public money. However, we are starting to observe that the trail is not being maintained, either around Embo nor three miles south of Keiss. There are places where it is just impossible to cross, especially near the Golf Course at Reiss, and further north off Keiss beach going south. There is a lot of water, and is impassable in places. On 31 March 2024, I found two gentleman walking on the road and asked them why, and they told me.

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Moray Firth Trail

We do not build the Moray Firth Trail, also known as the John o Groats Trail. The Association of Northern Trails Scotland are responsible for that, and have received a lot of public money. However, we are starting to observe that the trail is not being maintained, either around Embo nor three miles south of Keiss. There are places where it is just impossible to cross, especially near the Golf Course at Reiss, and further north off Keiss beach going south. There is a lot of water, and is impassable in places. On 31 March 2024, I found two gentleman walking on the road and asked them why, and they told me.

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Moray Firth Trail

We do not build the Moray Firth Trail, also known as the John o Groats Trail. The Association of Northern Trails Scotland are responsible for that, and have received a lot of public money. However, we are starting to observe that the trail is not being maintained, either around Embo nor three miles south of Keiss. There are places where it is just impossible to cross, especially near the Golf Course at Reiss, and further north off Keiss beach going south. There is a lot of water, and is impassable in places. On 31 March 2024, I found two gentleman walking on the road and asked them why, and they told me.

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Recent Posts

Issues on John o Groats Trail by TinaIrving in Issues on JOG Trail
on May 27, 2024, 01:32:31 am
Durness by TinaIrving in Durness
on May 24, 2024, 02:00:05 am
Murkle still a problem by TinaIrving in Murkle
on April 23, 2024, 08:36:26 am
Cross Country everywhere by TinaIrving in Cross Country Links
on April 09, 2024, 03:03:58 am
Moray Firth Trail aka John o Groats Trail by TinaIrving in MORAY FIRTH TRAIL
on March 31, 2024, 10:03:25 am

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Recent Topics+-

Issues on John o Groats Trail by TinaIrving
May 27, 2024, 01:32:31 am

Durness by TinaIrving
May 24, 2024, 02:00:05 am

Murkle still a problem by TinaIrving
April 23, 2024, 08:36:26 am

Cross Country everywhere by TinaIrving
April 09, 2024, 03:03:58 am

Moray Firth Trail aka John o Groats Trail by TinaIrving
March 31, 2024, 10:03:25 am

Cross Country Links by TinaIrving
March 21, 2024, 02:38:56 am

VisitScotland by TinaIrving
February 01, 2024, 02:08:54 am

Aberdeenshire by TinaIrving
January 29, 2024, 10:10:59 pm

Horse Access by TinaIrving
January 28, 2024, 07:03:18 am

Sutherland Space Hub by TinaIrving
January 15, 2024, 02:56:01 am

Murkle by TinaIrving
November 23, 2023, 02:25:08 pm

Flooding at Golspie is a problem by TinaIrving
November 07, 2023, 05:10:30 am

Caithness Riders Access Group by TinaIrving
October 15, 2023, 12:23:41 am

Caminos of Santiago by TinaIrving
October 14, 2023, 02:31:09 pm

Moray Firth Coast by TinaIrving
October 14, 2023, 02:26:47 pm

Maintaining the route by TinaIrving
October 13, 2023, 09:07:12 pm

Access report update 13/10/2023 by TinaIrving
October 13, 2023, 11:40:59 am

Update 13/10/2023 by TinaIrving
October 13, 2023, 10:55:41 am

Mireland by TinaIrving
September 20, 2023, 08:32:03 am

Killiminster area by TinaIrving
September 14, 2023, 09:08:56 pm

Including the North Highland Way https://tinagostravelling.wordpress.com/organic-gallery-with-intro-text/